Welcome to Bengal Traditional Taekwondo Association
The Bengal Traditional Taekwondo Association (BTTA) was established in 1997.
Grandmaster Mr. Sumit Ghosh
8th Dan Black Belt, Jidokwan
6th Dan Black Belt, kukkiwon
President - BTTA
At Present 13 sports bodies from all over Bengal are affiliated to BTTA. About 80 Black Belts and 1900 students practice under BTTA.
Every year district level, state level championship are held, open national championship is also held with participation of
600 to 800 participants from all over India. Colour belt examination is also held every 6 months and Black Belt examination
upto 3rd Dan is held once in a year. BTTA is taking all efforts to spread and develop Taekwondo in every level in the state.
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